Among the jobs this month, I milled in Charlemont and the little truck proved its worth. I only had about a foot of clearance at the front, and the trees were close enough on the side that I had to leave the sawdust chute up. I didn't even unhook the mill from the truck, especially knowing the only way out was exactly how I drove in. I milled three long cherry logs (including one at 20') and a black walnut set up elsewhere. They made for some nice lumber and two happy customers.
Then up to Dover, VT to mill 4500 bdft of maple and pine. Not bad for three days work (although I did it in two...totaling 28 hours). The pine log pictured started out as a 70' stick, and I had to back into the butt log to push it in line with the mill. I sure was grateful for the larger all-terrain tires on the truck. They just fit in the wheel well, but make maneuvering logs much easier.
I'm finishing out the week cleaning up at the shop, then showing at the Cummington Fair this Sunday. I'll also be at the Blandford Fair the following weekend, so please be sure to check us out.